March 27th: New LAZARUS SOUL album announced, DEATH coloured reissues, CARDINALS EP, GRATEFUL DEAD Mars 50th anniversary, and Happy Easter!

Hi Everyone

Hope all is well enough with ye folks.

No major news from your record and tape emporium I don’t think.

I have a few days off next week…Shane and young Adam are holding the fort for me…so we are closed Easter Sunday and Easter Monday,,,then i’m missing tuesday , weds and thursday so only working Friday and Saturday….a few days break with the family, looking forward to it…will be just two weeks to Record store day by the the time i get back  so will be full enough on then for the rest of April…kind of looking forward to it as well, full on but a bit of a buzz also!

Some big news actually, there is a new A LAZARUS SOUL album in July “ no flowers grow in cement gardens” ( pop quiz on the title) …will have more info im sure closer to the time but buzzing for this release to be honest! New song on Friday week “ the flower i flung into her grave”. Emotive song title.

Releases in the shop for this Friday the 29th of March include


Then releases for the 5th of April

Main week is the 12th of April


Here is a tune from it…quality as usual

Mark Knopfler – Ahead Of The Game (Official Video)

Deluxe 2CD now sold to us as well as std cd and two vinyl formats



We have a nice instore on Thursday the 4th of April @6pm when we are delighted to welcome Niamh Bury to the shop. Niamh will play songs from her debut album “ yellow roses” for us, sign copies after as well…there will be a few giveaways on the evening in question also! Heres a tune from the record

Niamh Bury – Beehive


Going to hand ye over to Shane now as he will take ye down the road with announcements etc…

Sound, Ray. Delighted to hear that about A Lazarus Soul. They’re one of, if not my favourite Irish bands.
Hope all is well with everyone.
I’m suffering a bit with a cold and back pain so I won’t ramble.

Here’s a list of the pre-orders out over the next few months:

Here’s a track from them:
Nice feedback at the start.

And here’s Adam’s latest video:

Thanks a mil Shane.


Right so last few that i need figures for the record companies this week …out on 19th April


Right so folks sin e for this week really

The lads have the newsletter for next week

Thanks for listening as always

Ray, Shane and young Adam