May 8th: First ever Music Zone Vinyl release, VILLAGERS Postcards, new JOHNNY CASH, SEASICK STEVE, Coloured MoV vinyl reissues and Adam’s video is back!

Hi folks

Hope all is well and ye had a nice bank holiday weekend.

Things tend to quieten down in the shop business wise for the next few months.

We do have some instores coming up which will be lovely…David Kitt will be with us on Monday the 27th of May and we should have a really lovely instore to announce also for Saturday the 1st of June … .more on that one soon!

After the closure of Dublin vinyl, which was a shock and blow to everyone in our industry here in Ireland, there was a few local homegrown talents that got caught in the crossfire of the closure…some had paid money to get records made , only for said records never to be made, hopefully those folks will get some of their money back in the liquidation process…others just didn’t get their record into production it was a mess for everyone.

Hedge Schools were to have their superb “ at the end of a winding day” album released on LP format for the first time via Dublin Vinyl in May , but the record did not go into production. 

I got in touch with Pat Barrett of Hedge Schools a few weeks after the Dublin vinyl closure ( Joe Chester ( A Lazarus Soul) being the other member of Hedge Schools) …id know Pat a few years now,  probably since this very record was released on CD , about ten years ago i’d say ( I loved the album and got in touch when the CD was released to buy some direct from him)…nice bit of contact here and there down through the years…Pat played an instore for us when he got the train down and i picked him at the station and dropped him back after the instore…i think that was for Hedge Schools “ magnificent birds “ album launch…anyways Pats a really good guy. So i got in touch and we had a chat…Pat was very keen to get the record out in the world as was i ( i really connected with it) so between the jigs and reels we decided to put the record out together…i’m delighted the record is finally going to happen to be honest.

It’s the corporation’s first venture and its aim is to just recoup its costs after that it’s all Hedge Schools…if it fails to do that then it is what it is … .hopefully it will recoup.. .good people of Ireland…buy the record!!

First venture at putting out a record so excited to have our name attached to it and honored to be honest.

Here is Pat telling us about one of the tracks from the record “ the sleeping song”

And here is the track in question


More on it over the coming weeks!


Right o , releases in the siopa for this friday the 10th of May include


With Villagers album we have some nice postcards to go with the album….we have about 10 spare ones ( rest gone to preorderers)


Then for the 17th of May, we will have…


Main one for numbers this week are releases for the 24th of May

So there is 

Heres a tune from it..real soulful vibe going on

Paul Weller – Rise Up Singing (Official Video)

Seasick Steve – Backbone Slip (Official Video)

Going to hand ye over to Shane folks as he takes ye down the road as usual!

Sound, Ray!
Hi all, hope yere good and had a nice long weekend. Myself and Noelle were put to work in a local garden centre on the weekend. We got a bbq out of it!
That’s class news about the Hedge Schools record, Ray! Tis a lovely album and well worth having on vinyl. You have me down for one!
Good music can be drowned out a bit these days with the sea of shite that’s on a lot of daytime radio etc. This one will be well worth having in the collection.

Nothing major to announce this week from me, good few reissues.
There are new albums coming from GLASS ANIMALS – I Love You So F***ing Much on CD, vinyl or splatter coloured vinyl (19/7/24), and GRACIE ABRAMS – The Secret of Us on CD or coloured vinyl (21/6/24)

Gracie Abrams – Risk (Official Music Video)

Glass Animals – Creatures in Heaven (Official Video)

And a cool unreleased album from JOHNNY CASH – Songwriter, available as a CD, 2 CD or coloured vinyl (June 28th)

And these are the reissues:

And there are Live ones from:

After all the RSD bustle of recent weeks and some technical difficulties, Adam has a new shop video now for ye, here tis:

Back to you Ray so, slán.

Thanks Shane

A working man walked into a record shop, breakfast roll in hand, dirty filthy boots, badly soiled the brand new carpet and asked the keeper of said record shop “ do you have any AC/DC” borderline panic ensued in the mind of the young keeper …no AC/DC CDs you gobshite…” no sorry, can get in if you like” …” nah your grand”….ahh ahh….5 minutes later a woman bought a “  Bridget Jones Diary “ soundtrack CD…it had started…that was 23 years and 4 hours ago…” young” Adam wasn’t even born…still tend to have dirty floors at times, there’s worse things.

Right sin e for this week

Thanks for listening as always

Ray, Shane, young Adam and Mia.